Wednesday, October 16, 2013

RenderMan Jack-In-The-Box

For this project we had to use Pixar's PRMan and RenderMan Studio to render a model of a jack-in-the-box with the theme; Fools and their money are soon parted.

I am responsible for all assets, including texturing, modeling and lighting. Rendered with RenderMan. These are my final renders. For the technical breakdown, click here.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Organic Texture: Frog!

Slimy Frog - by Reina Elizondo

Dead Frog - by Reina Elizondo
This was textured in Maya. I used a combination of the SSS fast skin (for the frog) and Blinn (for everything else including the eyes).

I painted a base texture in Mari; I used this project as an excuse to start learning it. Unfortunately, time crunches meant I had to finish the details of the textures through Photoshop. The frog textures, were entirely painted in Mari and Photoshop. The lily pad and eye textures were composited in Photoshop from various web references. (The most recognizable of which was this lovely dead lily pad.

The model was from by Matku. Although it came without eyes.

What I found most challenging was the way the SSS shader effected displacement maps.  I'm happiest with the slimy look of the live frog.

Frog Breakdown

My frog texture break down and animated camera.

See still frames for more information.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lighting Match Breakdown

A project on matching to life.

Double Rainboom: It's out! Spoilers, Rough Backgrounds

Double Rainboom is a not-for-profit fan-made collaborative animation by students at my school and people all over the world. Directed by Zachary Rich

Before it came out, I couldn't post two of these rough backgrounds because they have spoiler hints. So, here are the three rough backgrounds I worked on in 2012. (If you haven't seen it yet go to

 I had a lot of help from Jourdan Lasko to get the look down for Ponyville. She was the lead for the MLPFiM backgrounds. She also taught me how to draw in Flash, since I hadn't touched it for years.

Megan Phillips, the background lead for the Townsville scenes, told me they wound up having to simplify this. She said, "basically, it's too good". PPG had a lot more of a quick and dirty style, so they could get their episodes out. PPG was traditionally animated.
This was the last one I did for the animation. They had many artists and had most of the planned backgrounds assigned by the time I finished it. 

All in all I had simple one point perspective backgrounds, but I felt like it helped me a lot having such detailed feedback during this process. I've learned a lot from this team.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


               Cell: 801-502-6414                      Email:
Painting | Adobe CS: Esp. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign | Maya, Moderate Nuke, Basic Mari, 
Moderate 3DsMax, Moderate Flash | Basic HTML, Basic JavaScript | Sony Vegas,
Mixed Media, Fine Arts | Problem Solving, Working in Teams, Facilitating
Savannah College of Art and Design: 2011 – Present
Collaboration on Student Animations
Utah Valley University: 2006 – 2011
AAS – Digital Communications Technology
     Graphics Computer Applications
     Multimedia       2D Design        Fine Art

Hunter High School: Graduated 2006
Student Animated Film: Double Rainboom             (2D Completed Spring 2013)
Director: Zachary Rich               Film Website:
Contribution: 3 rough backgrounds in Flash
     Student Animated Film: Ducky                               (3D In Progress)
Director: Daniela A Astudillo 
Contribution: I completed 3.5 backgrounds
     Student Animated Film: Tenth Life                          (2D In Progress)
Director: Charlene Fenton 
Contribution: 1 rough background
     Student Animated Film: Complement Me             (2D, Pt.1 Completed Sp. 2012, Pt.2 In Progress)
Director: Kathryn Nicolas           Film Website:
Contribution: coloring 10 backgrounds, 2.5 scenes ink and paint in ToonBoom Animator
     Student Animated Film: Play Room                                    (3D Completed Sp. 2012)
Director: Erica Lopez                  Film Website:
Contribution: I worked on concept art, 8 objects textured in Photoshop 3D, and 2 matte paintings
     Student Animated Film: Starmaker                                     (2D Completed Sp. 2012)
Director: Jenny Plyler                 Film Website:
Contribution: I worked on 6 rough backgrounds
August 4, 2012 SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer - Directed Attendees, Hand Out Badges, Booth Assistant
February 24, 2012 SCAD Career Fair Volunteer - Booth Assistant
October 2009 – October 2009 HR File Room - Managing and Imaging HR Employee Files.
Hobbies: Painting; Digital, Oil, Acrylic, Skiing, Reading, Writing, and Karaoke