Friday, February 18, 2011

Lady of the Forest Underpainting

Here is the under painting I mentioned before. Titanium white and brown oxide oil paints. 

This painting was one of those duh moments where I learned something huge. I went to my teacher for criticism and I was saying there's something wrong about this-maybe the eyes?- I just don't know. My teacher took a look at what I had (it was at an earlier point than this) and he said "Oh well she has no eye-lids." and he just did a stroke of white paint for each eyelid. "Now she is a supermodel." And he was right.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Small Oil

This started as an in-class assignment for an imaginary book cover. The title we had to illustrate was 'Lady of the Forest'. I wish I had just left it as the under painting in the translucent brown, because it really looked quite striking then. I will see if I still have the picture from then. However this version is growing on me.

I'm planning on neutralizing the bright green leaves and maybe adding a wash to the shadows to make them slightly less rust colored but still hold onto that neat translucent effect. This is on hold for now.